Data Processing with Python Pandas — Part II Data Formatting

4 min readNov 22, 2020

This tutorial explains how to preprocess data using the Pandas library. Preprocessing is the process of doing a pre-analysis of data, in order to transform them into a standard and normalized format. Preprocessing involves the following aspects:

  • missing values
  • data formatting
  • data normalization
  • data standardization
  • data binning

In this tutorial we deal only with data formatting. In my previous tutorial I dealt with missing values.

Data formatting is the process of transforming data into a common format, which helps users to perform comparisons. An example of not formatted data is the following: the same entity is referred in the same column with different values, such as New York and NY.

You can download the source code of this tutorial as a Jupyter notebook from my Github Data Science Repository.

Import data

In this tutorial we will use the dataset related to Twitter, which can be downloaded from this link.

Firstly, import data using the pandas library and convert them into a dataframe. Through the head(10) method we print only the first 10 rows of the dataset.

import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('tweets.csv')

In this tutorial, we drop all the missing values through the dropna() function.


Incorrect data types

First of all, we should make sure that every column is assigned to the correct data type. This can be checked through the property dtypes.


which gives the following output:

Tweet Id                      object
Tweet URL object
Tweet Posted Time (UTC) object
Tweet Content object
Tweet Type object
Client object
Retweets Received int64
Likes Received int64
Tweet Location object
Tweet Language object
User Id object
Name object
Username object
User Bio object
Verified or Non-Verified object
Profile URL object
Protected or Non-protected object
User Followers int64
User Following int64
User Account Creation Date object
Impressions int64
dtype: object

In our case we can convert the column Tweet Location to string by using the function astype() as follows:

df['Tweet Location'] = df['Tweet Location'].astype('string')

The astype() function supports all datatypes described at this link.

Make the data homogeneous

This aspect involves categorical and numeric data. Categorical data should have all the same formatting style, such as lower case. Numeric data should have for example the same number of digits after the point. In order to format all categorical data to lower case, we can use the following statement:

df['Tweet Content'] = df['Tweet Content'].str.lower()

Different values for the same concept

It may happen that the same concept is represented in different ways. For example, in our dataset, the column Twitter Location contains the values Columbus,OH and Columbus, OH to describe the same concept. We can use the unique() function to list all the values of a column.

df['Tweet Location'].unique()

which gives the following output:

[ 'Brussels',
'Pill, Bristol',
'Ohio, USA',
'Cincinnati, OH',
'Scottsdale, AZ',
'Columbus, OH',
'DK Diner, USA',
'Kampala, Uganda',
'ilorin,kwara state',
'Nigeria, Lagos',
'Towcester, England',
'Heart of the EU (the clue is in the name)',
'South West, England',
'Seattle, WA',
'in my happy place']
Length: 106, dtype: string

In order to deal with different values representing the same concept, we should manipulate each type of error separately. For example, we can manipulate every string word,word in order to insert a space after the comma and have the following output word, word. We can define a function, called set_pattern() which searches for a specific pattern into a string and then it performs some replacement in the same string, if the pattern is found. In our case we search for all the patterns having the structure word,word and then we replace the , with , . Finally we return the result.

def set_pattern(x):
pattern = r'[(A-Z)]\w+,([A-Z])\w+'
res = re.match(pattern, x)
if res:
x = x.replace(',', ', ')
return x

Now we can apply the function to every value in the column Tweet Location. This can be achieved by using the function apply() combined with the operator lambda. We can specify that the function apply() must be applied to every row (through the parameter axis = 1) and then through the lambda operator we can select the specific row and apply it the function set_pattern().

df['Tweet Location'] = df.apply(lambda x: set_pattern(x['Tweet Location']), axis=1)


In this tutorial I have illustrated how to perform data formatting with Python Pandas. The following three steps are suggested:

  • put data in the correct format — this is required when further analysis is required, such as statistical analysis
  • make data homogeneous — this is useful especially for textual data which need further analysis, such as sentiment analysis
  • use a single value to represent the same concept — this is useful when data grouping is required.

If you would like to learn about the other aspects of data preprocessing, such as data standardization and data normalization, stay tuned…

If you wanted to be updated on my research and other activities, you can follow me on Twitter, Youtube and and Github.

